Contact Us

    Office Hours
    Tuesdays 12:00-5:00pm,


    Your matter is very important to us.   If we are unable to answer your call, please leave a message.  We will call you back at our earliest opportunity.

    The Roman Catholic Communities of
    Blessed Sacrament, Burford
    and St. Anthony Daniel, Scotland

    Rectory (Office) at Blessed Sacrament Parish: 
    181 King Street
    P.O. Box 219
    Burford ON, N0E 1A0

    Tel. (519) 449.5143    

    Blessed Sacrament
    183 King Street
    Burford, ON,
    N0E 1A0

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    St. Anthony Daniel
    57 Simcoe Street,
    Scotland, Ontario

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