
It is the second of the three sacraments of initiation because, historically, it was administered immediately after the Sacrament of Baptism. Confirmation perfects our baptism and brings us the graces of the Holy Spirit that were granted to the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday.  Confirmation seals our life of faith in Jesus. Its signs are the laying on of hands on a person’s head, most often by a Bishop, and the anointing with oil.

Confirm an Adult or a grown-up child – application

For information about pre-requisites and preparing for Confirmation, please fill the attached form and send it to the Parish Office.   A follow up call with be place once it is received and reviewed.    Confirmations are generally celebrated at Easter Vigil.

Parish Office
Mrs. Doreen Fader
Office Administrator 
Tel. (519) 449.5143
Tuesday, 12:00-5:00pm, Wednesday to Friday, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM